Expand the space where ideas engage.

Engagingspaces dedicates to furthering web technology where it matters most. Envisioning a delightful web that is for everyone and provides space to socialize, to grow, and enriches our daily life.



Think out of the box. Go off the beaten track. Broaden perspective. Know the landscape and investigate the trends. Then elaborate where the value resides.


Envision for the longer term. Beyond mere objectives and performance indicators. With true values central and sustainable pace. Turn goals into walkable pathways.


Move from idea to realization. Keep focus on the needs and pay attention to the entire lifecycle. The process of creation is as important as the creation itself.


Create with others, learn together, combining strength. Stimulate all forms of cooperation. Progress is only created collectively, and it is social in nature.


Spread the message. Encourage people to engage. Excite, but with honesty. Act to activate. Form lasting relationships. Be there when needed. Combine dreams, materialize together.

Open Technology logo

Open Technology

Innovation is only wonderful and exciting if becomes available to everyone.
Decentralized Web logo

Decentralized Web

Empowering people starts by providing equal access and distribute control.
Humane Design logo

Humane Design

Technology must be supportive to human needs and in service to humanity.